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Multi Tier Discount Membership

Offering an Discount Membership with Subify, Shopify Flow, and AAD: A Step-by-Step Guide

Updated yesterday

If you want to offer a membership program with multi-tiered discounts, where each tier provides different benefits like percentage discounts or free shipping, Subify, Shopify Flow, and Automatic Discounts & Upsells (ADU) work seamlessly together to make it happen.


  • Bronze, Silver, and Gold memberships with increasing discount percentages for each tier.

  • Tiered membership offering free shipping for premium tiers only (e.g., Gold members receive free shipping, while Bronze and Silver members do not).

While Subify handles the recurring payments, ADU is responsible for managing the access, while Shopify Flow helps tag customers based on their tier.

Step 1: Create Your Membership Product on Shopify

Before configuring your membership plan in Subify, you need to create the membership product in Shopify.

  1. Go to your Shopify dashboard.

  2. Create a new product for the membership you're offering. For this example, we’ll call the product "Loyalty Membership".

  3. Add details like the pricing, description, and what exclusive access members will receive (e.g., certain products, collections, or special offers).

If you offer multiple tiers (e.g., Bronze, Silver, Gold), create product variants for each tier and price them accordingly.

Step 2: Create a New Plan and Add Your Product

In your Subify dashboard, navigate to the Subscription Plans section. This is where you will create and manage all your membership plans.

  1. Select the membership product you created in Shopify (e.g., Loyalty Membership).

  2. Set the purchase option to Subscription only to ensure the product is available only as a recurring membership.

Step 3: Create Your Selling Plan

Under the selling plan options, select how often you want customers to be charged for the membership. In our example, we’ll set it to Monthly, as customers will be charged once a month for membership fees.

If you offer different membership frequencies (like monthly, yearly) create separate selling plans only for the frequency variants (e.g., Monthly, Yearly). You will need to price each frequency variant correctly in Shopify and then connect the correct variant to the corresponding selling plan in Subify.

Step 4: Enable Tier-Based Tagging with Shopify Flow

To apply different tags for each tier, you need to use Shopify Flow.

In Shopify Flow, create a new Workflow.

Flow 1: Tag Customers Based on Membership Tier

Trigger: Subscription Contract Created

This is Shopify's trigger which you can find here:

Condition: Look for the Variant Title following this process:

Add a variable > Subscription Contract > lines > variantTitle (Bronze)

Action: Tag the customer (e.g., Bronze Member).

Put a 5 second "Wait" after "Subscription contract created" trigger. Flow checks this status almost immediately and it may not be able to catch the status if there's no "Wait" int the process.

Repeat the process for other tiers (e.g., Silver Member, Gold Member).

Flow 2: Remove Tags for Inactive or Unsubscribed Members

To remove tags when a customer unsubscribes, pauses, or becomes inactive:

Trigger: Subscription Contract Updated

Condition: Subscription Status Not equal to Active.

Action: Remove all membership tier tags (e.g., remove "Bronze Member", "Silver Member", etc.).

This ensures that customers lose access if they no longer have an active subscription.

Step 5: Set Up Discounts and Segments in Shopify

Before moving to ADU, you need to create your discounts and segments in Shopify panel:

  1. Go to your Shopify Admin and navigate to the Discounts section.

  2. Name the discount code (e.g., checkout10), which will be used to track this discount.

  3. Select the products or collections you want to offer the discount on, or choose to apply the discount to every product.

  4. In the Purchase type section, select Subscriptions to ensure that this discount is linked to your subscription products.

Before applying the discount to a specific group of customers, you need to create a segment based on the "Bronze" tag.

  1. Go to Shopify Admin > Customers > Segments.

  2. Create a new Customer Segment based on the tag "Bronze".

customer_tags CONTAINS 'Bronze' = TRUE

Once the segment is created, return to your Discount settings. In the Customer Eligibility section, choose the customer segment you just created to ensure that only active subscribers receive the discount.

To make sure the discount applies to all future payments in the subscription:

  • In the Recurring payments for subscriptions section, select Discount applies to all recurring payments. This ensures that subscribers continue to receive the discount on every recurring charge, not just the first payment.

Step 6: Setup Discounts in ADU

Now that your Shopify Discount is created, you can head to ADU and make the discount automatic.

Open the ADU app in your Shopify store.

Navigate to Promotions and select the Shopify discount code option.

Add the discount code you created in Shopify (e.g., checkout10).

Set the promotion to Active to enable automatic application of the discount for eligible customers.

At this point, your automatic discount is fully set up. When a customer with an active subscription checks out, the ADU app will apply the discount automatically based on the code and eligibility criteria you set up in Shopify.

Step 7: Finalize and Launch

After setting up the membership product, enabling tagging, and configuring discounts in ADU, it’s time to launch your membership.

  1. Ensure that discounts are applied only to members who have the "Has Active Subscription" tag.

  2. Go through the checkout process as a customer to verify that the discounts are applied correctly for eligible members.

Once everything is verified, your membership program is ready to go live!

Example of a 10% Order Discount:

In the following example, a customer has bought the Loyalty Membership for 19$ and afterwards, they get an automatic 10% discount on all the products available.

To avoid customers exploiting membership discounts and then canceling right away, you can use Subify's cancellation policy to limit cancellations until after a certain number of payments, or disable cancellations altogether.

And here is the customer's subscription contract after receiving a 20% discount on Subscription option compared to One-time purchase and a 10% discounts because of a loyalty membership:


After the membership plan is live, you can fully customize the widget to match your store’s branding and enhance the customer experience.

  • Go to the Widgets tab in Subify.

  • Customize the widget layout, color schemes, and labels to align with your store’s design.

By default, Subify places a "Subscription" label on the widget. For a membership, you might want to update this:

In the widget customization options, find the label and change it from "Subscription" to "Membership" to clearly communicate to customers that they are signing up for a service membership.

This will ensure the widget reflects the nature of the membership program clearly.


If the widget doesn’t display correctly or if you run into any issues, Subify has built-in resources to help:

  • Visit the Widget Troubleshooting Guide in the Subify dashboard for solutions to common issues.

  • If you need further assistance, you can reach out to our 24/7 customer care team using the chat icon located at the bottom right of your page.

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